Friday, March 26, 2010

From One of the Brilliant Minds that Brought Us Enron

I admit it: I had fun watching right-wingers go wild as health reform finally became law.
Because you know what's hilarious? Scared people! Millions of conservative Americans go to bed each night worried about what this healthcare bill will do to their families and their futures - HA! It's especially funny because those poor saps spent so much sheer effort trying to do the right thing and make a difference! So what if Congress had never before passed such major partisan legislation with such a razor-thin majority in the face of overwhelming negative public opinion - it's their fault for hoping. They should have expected their leaders to gloat at their loss. They certainly should have expected their President to ridicule and vilify them.

Any wonder why we don't believe Paul Krugman when he says the bill is in ordinary Americans' best interests, when he can't even pretend not to despise us?

And just in case there was any doubt about that, he reminds us today that he thinks fears and disappointed hopes are funny. Permit me to differ. This, on the other hand, is hilarious:
But a few days later, it doesn’t seem quite as entertaining — and not just because of the wave of vandalism and threats aimed at Democratic lawmakers.
. . .
All of this goes far beyond politics as usual. Democrats had a lot of harsh things to say about former President George W. Bush — but you’ll search in vain for anything comparably menacing, anything that even hinted at an appeal to violence, from members of Congress, let alone senior party officials.

But don't worry it, Krugman, you despicable asshole. I know you're not going to do much more than whine and laugh (your crackpot lunatic left fringe is another story). And the more you laugh, the less it matters. What are you going to do in November with a massive Tea Party get-out-the-vote effort and a disbanded ACORN, when your fainting spells over "extremists" and "racists" don't elicit more than an eye roll. Whatever you end up doing, I promise not to laugh.


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