Sunday, March 21, 2010

Well, this weekend was fun.

So what did we learn from the healthcare debacle?

- Democrats don't care about process. So fine, screw them, let's filibuster every damn thing that gets to the floor - judges, funding, everything. What are they going to do now? Whine about the democratic process?

- The Democrats think Americans stupid. Too stupid to pick their own healthcare. Too stupid to see that blatant quid pro quo it took to pass the monstrosity.

- We should do Louise Slaughter a favor and cancel Congress's health plan, if it's so evil that we can't subject seniors to it. We should cancel health care for the whole Congress, actually. Let them buy off the new exchanges they love so much.

- There is no such thing as a pro-life Democrat.

- Paul Ryan is the star we hoped Bobby Jindal would be.

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